Nano influencers are the ‘new press’

Media coverage for the arts is like water in the Sahara. It barely exists in the United States. And the coverage that is there, primarily only covers the very top stories.

Even in cities like New York, barely any arts performances get press. If you calculated all of the live performances at all of the performing arts venues, there are about three stories that actually make it into the major New York media on any given weekend.

And I’m speaking about most forms of traditional press coverage — a preview article, a feature interview, a review, or roundup listing.

Of course, traditional press adds to the credibility of any given artist or organization. It’s certainly a valuable target. But in terms of reaching people to sell tickets, expand your donor base, or raise your artistic brand through a critical review, it’s just not there.

Still the Sahara in media land.

But one very important piece that’s missing from most arts marketers’ toolbox — nano influencers.

Nano influencers are individuals who have a relatively small but highly engaged following on social media platforms, typically between 1,000 to 10,000 followers. Unlike their macro and mega influencer counterparts, nano influencers tend to have a more direct and personal relationship with their audience, often characterized by high levels of interaction and engagement. These influencers are usually considered to be more relatable and trustworthy by their followers due to their more intimate and genuine online presence.

I believe these nano influencers are the “new press” for the arts.

Imagine if arts organizations truly built nano influencer campaigns to promote their seasons. I’ll discuss what that might look like in a future video.

A nano influencer’s ability to create authentic, relatable content that effectively resonates with and influences a targeted group of arts consumers, will inevitably lead to higher conversion rates compared to broader marketing campaigns.

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